Welcome to Volume Two of an amazing collection of World War Two V-Mails created by artist and author Harry E. Chrisman during his service in the Pacific Theatre of Operations from 1943-45. Chrisman, who went on to become a newspaper man and a prolific author/editor of more than 14 books about life in the Old West, had a talent for capturing his war-time experiences in funny and often poignant cartoon illustrations, some of which he produced for family back home, others for his fellow G.I.s with whom he served.
Volume Two features 106 V-Mails that Harry sent primarily to his wife, Catherine—an Army WAC (Women’s Army Corps) stationed Stateside. The collection offers Harry’s humorous and occasionally sardonic take on Army life and its effect on love, romance and marriage. As an added bonus, there is a section dedicated to Harry’s “Natural History” V-Mails featuring the flora and fauna of the South Pacific which he often used as political allegories.
Read the First 25 Pages Here!