Extraordinary Military Kids 

Megan Numbers


Extraordinary Military Kids


ISBN: 9781555718923
Pages: 44

Categories: ,


Extraordinary Military Kids is a workbook for and about military kids. This interactive book introduces Mike and his military friends using different activities that kids can complete by themselves or with their parents. Mike takes kids on a journey of his military life, provides statistics about military kids, validates emotions and experiences, and encourages kids to explore and narrate their own military journey. Kids will enjoy the bright illustrations and activities embedded within every page, and parents will appreciate the engaging activities they can work on with their kids!


“This amazing book will easily speak to children on a level they can understand and relate to…includes a great variety of illustrations relevant to the experiences and challenges military children face, complete with activities they can work on…fun and enjoyable!”  —Kim Butler, LPC, LMHC, Military Spouse, Mother of Two

“As a military spouse, I know that my kids could have benefitted greatly from this type of book when they were younger…should be on everyone’s ‘must buy’ list!”  —Jacqueline Chovan, Military Spouse and Mother of Three Boys