The Devil’s Horseshoe 

Gary A. Best


A Novel


ISBN: 978-1-55571-886-2
Pages: 344

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The Devil’s Horseshoe is a stirring story of the Greatest Generation. Two young entrepreneurs, beginning to succeed in their lives are forced to come to grips with their role in the great conflagration known as WWII. Their unique skills as crop dusters come to the attention of the U.S. Army Air Force and they embark on dangerous new careers as C-47 pilots in the steaming jungle war known simply as the CBI. Their story is cyclical, often quite humorous, then quickly tragic. The emotional ups and downs of the war coming in a seemingly never ending barrage give the reader an insight into the daily stress and pressure soldiers the world over endure as they forge ahead with their duties. The book is entertaining, educational, and its story is a reminder of the fickle nature of both life and war.”  — Dr. Don Abbe, Curator (Retired), Silver Wings Museum, Lubbock, Texas

Gary Best’s talented writing quickly takes the reader along with two young aviation enthusiast pals from their start-up crop dusting business into the China Burma India theater during World War II. In the CBI the story focuses on the unprotected, unarmed, glider-towing C-47s, their crews and a concealed wartime love affair.” — Bob Penikas, CFIAM, Certified Flight Instructor Airplanes Instruments Multi Engine, B-17 Combat Crewmen and Wingmen Association

Download the First 2 Chapters Here!